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Essential oils are organic compounds with intense healing properties. The use of essential oils for healing purposes is known as aromatherapy, and is characterized by the holistic medicinal treatment of the mind and body.
Lavender oil is an extremely beneficial herb, made of over 150 active ingredients that have antispasmodic, analgesic, detoxifying, calming and stimulating effects. Lavender oil is one of the most popular essential oils used in aromatherapy. Uses of Lavender Oil: Mentally One of the most common uses of lavender is its usage in curing mental exhaustion. Lavender oil is known to have a calming, sedative and anti-convulsive effect. This effect is received when the scent of about two drops of lavender oil is inhaled into the brain. It also helps to enhance the effectiveness of other relaxants. Treat Wounds and Burns The antiseptic properties of lavender oil make it very useful in soothing pain from minor burns, cuts, and bruises. Applying a few drops to wounds helps to increase cell growth around the wounded area causing the wound to heal faster. Its anti-microbial action helps to protect the wounds from infection during healing. Lavender oil can also be applied to insect bites or stings to reduce pain. It can be applied by soaking a towel in a bowl of water infused with a few drops of lavender oil. Apply this to sprains or muscle injuries. Spiritual Meditation Studies have shown that lavender essential oil is essential in improving blood circulation. Improved blood circulation is important for proper blood function, clears thinking and also helps to support cellular function. Lavender oil has a powerful frequency which can help to enhance your thoughts and inspire you spiritually. You could spray lavender oil on your pillow as this could help you promote restful sleep as you inhale the deep scents of lavender oil. Emotional Stress The lavender herb is also known as a natural stress reliever. Inhaling the scent of lavender helps you spend more time in deep sleep which can relieve you of stress. When taken with other anti-depressants, it can help reduce the severity of depression, anxiety and insomnia. Food/Recipes Lavender herbs have a very sweet scent and can be used to enhance the aroma and scent of food and drinks. Dried lavender flowers can be used in making lavender tea. A few drops of lavender oil can also be added to a stale potpourri mixture. The amazing aroma of lavender essential oil helps to revitalize the taste. They have a powerful flavor and should be taken in small quantities. How Does Lavender Oil Work? Lavender is very effective because of the psychological effects of its scent, as well as its physiological effects on your brain. Lavender oil can be applied topically or aromatically. Avoid ingesting lavender oil, as it may lead to side effects, such as constipation, headache, burning eyes, blurred vision, and increased appetite. Lavender essential oil is a natural sedative, beneficial for a wide range of uses. It is a great secret weapon for total vitality of the mind, spirit and body! Experience the relaxing and revitalizing effects of lavender essential oil with our Relax & Restore roll on and Blessed Face spray. Our Restful Sleep bath tea, and Restful Sleep Pillow spray, are great for winding down right before bedtime while also giving you the added benefits of boosting your stamina and energy. So if you were looking to purchase high quality lavender herbs and essential oil based products, now is the perfect time to seize the opportunity! Orange essential oils are popular for their immune-boosting effects. They are derived from the outer peels of the orange fruit. Unknown to most of us, we have come across these oils numerous times in our lives. They are used in most soaps, kitchen cleaners and detergents to improve their cleaning abilities and scent.
In the body, these oils can have multiple health benefits. The major ones are discussed below: Relieving Inflammation Orange essential oils can be used to alleviate inflammation, whether external or internal. Regardless of the contributing factor, be it indigestion of toxic substances, narcotics, side-effects of gas, infections, fever and so on, the oils can provide quick and effective relief. Preventing Infections Abrasions and cuts have high chances of becoming septic due to bacterial infections. This is more likely if the wounds are inflicted by iron objects as they might be infected by tetanus germs. In this case, orange essential oils can be applied to avoid both tetanus and septic fungal infections. This is because they inhibit microbial growth and also disinfect the wounds. Stimulating Urination These magic oils will assist the body in getting rid of toxins and excess gas in the body. They promote urination which is crucial in eliminating excess water, pollutants, salts, bile and uric acid. Proper urination also aids in digestion and appetite. More benefits include improved heart functioning and loss of excess weight. Relieving Depression Did you know that the smell of orange essential oils can bring pleasant thought to your mind and remind you of happy moments? Well, the truth is that it does! This is why they are widely used in aromatherapy. The happy, relaxed feelings that it brings act as mood lifters, which in turn relieve depression and chronic anxiety. Cholagogue Effects This tough word, “cholagogue” means proper functioning of the endocrine and exocrine glands. These glands are critical in the functioning of the body. As such, it is a common regulator for lactation and menstruation as well as the secretion of digestive juices and hormones. Natural Tonic A tonic element has the same effects to the body like servicing and overhauling has to a vehicle. It ensures that all body organs function effectively. A properly-maintained body remains in good shape and has very strong immunity. So, next time you service any of your machines, remember to do the same to your body. Carminative Properties A carminative agent is one that helps in the removal of excess gases from the intestines. Excess gas can move up the intestines and result in abdominal discomfort, indigestion and chest pain. In addition, it can prevent high blood pressure. The good news is that essential orange oils have these properties. The best thing about them is that they do not let the gases to form in the first place. These essential oils have tens if not hundreds of health benefits. The ones mentioned herein are just but a tip of the iceberg. You can find more benefits online although the ones already mentioned here should be enough to convince you to start using them. Stay healthy! They say that happiness is an inside job. There are many ways of creating it, and using some proven essential oils is one of them. You may wonder why happiness is so important to a human being, or to all human beings.
Well, in the US, it is estimated that one of every four people will suffer depression in their lifetime. Worldwide, over 350 million people suffer from the same every year. Being happy, energetic and optimistic is a sure way to keep depression away. In the light of this, it is worth noting that most essential oils are proven in creating happiness. They can be used by directly rubbing onto the skin, as sniffing oils, diffusing in the air, in massage therapy and in soak baths. Here is a list of eight essential oils that will help in making you happy. 1. Basil Essential Oil This oil is known to reduce inflammation, calm nerves, and alleviate stress when applied topically. It contains Vitamin C and multiple antioxidants. Use it with peppermint and basil oil for instant rise in spirit. 2. Bergamot Essential Oil Our second oil here is an amazing anti-depressant and hormone balancing agent. In addition, it helps in blood circulation and energy flow. Apply it on the feet, stomach and wrists for mood elevation and relaxation. 3. Grape Fruit Essential Oil This grape product is popular in dealing with mental exhaustion and fatigue, of course in addition to stimulating the feel-good hormone in you. Most people use it in their soak baths. 4. Lavender Essential Oil Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular and recognizable essential oils. It has been in use for creating calmness since ancient Rome. Recent studies show that it relieves PTSD-linked depression by up to 33%. 5. Cedar-wood Essential Oil Here is the most popular woodsy aroma we know. Cedar-wood essential oil is known to soothe the mind and brain as well as calming the body. Its scent activates the secretion of serotonin in the brain, leading in sleep induction. Enough rest in paramount in creating happiness. 6. Rose Essential Oil This wonderful rose oil is perfect because it contains ‘geraniol”. This is a powerful antidepressant which is widely used in encouraging positive thoughts, stimulating libido and promoting happiness. 7. Geranium Essential Oil If you can access this important oil, your path to happiness is headed for success. It controls mood swings, increases positive emotions and creates a general feeling of happiness. Some other effects include relieving anxiety, balancing hormones, calming the mind and inducing sleep. 8. Orange Essential Oil Orange peels give us this important agent. The oil is a potent anti-depressant, powerful energizer and to a great extent, happiness stimulator. It is also the most common essential oil. Almost all essential oils have amazing health benefits. The eight discussed above are typically known to create happiness. There are hundreds of others which may have similar effects. As the article shows, on top of happiness, they have additional mental health benefits such as relaxation, inducing sleep and hormonal balance. |
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